Waiver of Liability and Terms & Conditions

Please read this document carefully before participating in any activities at Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio. By signing this waiver, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Assumption of Risk:

I understand that participating in aerial pole dance and fitness activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to physical strain, falls, and potential injuries. I voluntarily choose to participate in these activities and assume all risks associated with them.

2. Physical Fitness and Health:

I confirm that I am in good physical health and have no medical conditions or injuries that could be aggravated by participating in aerial pole dance and fitness activities. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a healthcare professional if I have any concerns regarding my physical fitness or health.

3. Safety Guidelines:

I agree to follow all safety guidelines, instructions, and rules provided by the instructors at Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio. I understand that failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in injury or harm to myself or others.

4. Release of Liability:

I hereby release Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio, its owners, instructors, staff, and affiliates from any and all liability for any injury or harm that may occur during my participation in aerial pole dance and fitness activities at the studio. This includes but is not limited to personal injuries, property damage, or any other claims or demands arising from or related to my participation.

5. Indemnification:

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio, its owners, instructors, staff, and affiliates from any and all claims, actions, lawsuits, damages, or losses, including legal fees, arising from or related to my participation in aerial pole dance and fitness activities at the studio.

6. Photo and Video Release:

I grant Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio the right to use photos and videos taken during classes or events for promotional purposes on their website, social media platforms, and other marketing materials. I understand that my identity will not be disclosed without my explicit consent.

7. Personal Belongings:

I acknowledge that Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal belongings brought to the studio premises.

8. Payment and Cancellation Policy:

I understand that payment for classes, workshops, or memberships is non-refundable and non-transferable. I agree to abide by the specific payment and cancellation policies outlined by Chrome Divas Pole Dance & Fitness Studio.

I have read and understood the above waiver of liability and terms & conditions, and I voluntarily agree to them. I acknowledge that this agreement shall be binding upon me, my heirs, and my legal representatives.

Participant's Name: _______________________________________

Date: _________________________

Signature: ______________________________